Andrew Gramm’s Please Handle opens on Saturday, Feb 15, 7-9pm

Light refreshments and imbibements will be served. RSVP to is strongly encouraged. The temporal unfoldings included at the reCheption will be unmissable. Viewing is also available by appointment 2/15-3/2.

We are thrilled to be starting off 2025 on the CheLLF with this tactile and thought-provoking work. Our space is located at 3041 10th Ave S, sage green house, door on the right. 

Please Handle

Stuffed animals are some of the first figures we know: plush stand-ins for the non-human world. Their cartoon proportions allow us to approach them, but not necessarily the life they represent.

With heads swapped, these chimera are a degree removed from their more legible form and more difficult to catalog. The (already concealed) labor that originally made them is shoved farther back in the figure’s past. The work done to them is more apparent in this intervention. Re-figured, they slip outside of the already smoothed index that had room for them as stuffed animals. But with matching coats and stuffed similarities, they still are whole, approachable, posable. Pick them up and get to know them.